Wednesday, November 17, 2010

To the Brim

So, I don't know if it's the impending days of Christmas that got me this morning... the lingering thoughts of Remembrance Day, maybe? Or, could it be the current health-crisis my best friend's father is currently going through that has me feeling so emotional? I was on my regular bus this morning when I was literally swamped - I was going to say swept away, but rather than being knocked over I felt completed blanketed by it! - by this feeling of pure love. It just seemed to explode over me, cover me, smother me, this pure pure love for the most important people in my life. It was a wonderful feeling, and I wish I could hold on to it all the time, because it just feels so RIGHT. I honestly feel full to the brim with it.

I chose to express my love to those special people through a very modern medium - text messaging - but that doesn't make it any less real or any less true. Love love love. I love it!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why God created backpacks.

I clicked on the 'awesome' button at Hyperbole and a Half and got sent to A Simple Apology. There are some uber-hilarious drawings by the site's creator that cracked me up, but none more-so than this one:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I went on a sunny autumn walk during my half-hour lunch break today. The sky was bright, the day star was warm on my skin, and there was a perfect fall breeze. I didn't have my cellphone or other way of telling time so I didn't want to go too far, so I just went down the street and around the business park where my company is installed. I made a pit-stop in 7-Eleven, partially out of habit, and partially out of a desire for *something*. A slow amble through the shelves still had me leaving with empty hands, which I guess is a good thing. 

Today is the third day of my new life, and there were a couple of interesting things that occurred. One, I had no desire to stop at the store on my way to work to get a diet coke. Usually I feel like heading into a day without at least one 591ml bottle of the stuff is the surest way to death. But, this morning, my mouth had no desire for it. The second thing was that short stop at 7-Eleven. Feeling as world-weary as I do today, I should have been grabbing at anything and everything with a calorie count over my daily intake amount. But, I didn't. Good for me :)

Going for a walk was a great idea, though. It was perfect; walking let me rest my eyes, enjoy some natural vitamin D, soothed my nerves with necessary solitude, and gave me a few moments where the relationship between my body and I was based solely on the need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.