Monday, February 7, 2011


I am attending a career decision making orientation session thing tomorrow at Women Building Futures. I'm excited for the day-long exploration into future possibilities in that this will be the second of four steps towards being accepted into their program. But, I'm also super nervous. There are two exams that I'll have to write tomorrow afternoon- a language arts one, and a math one. Hopefully I have a firm enough grasp on the English language that the former will be no problem for me to ace. The latter, on the other hand, has me terrified. At the original information session we were given a practice booklet full of math questions to get us prepared for the test, and thankfully there is a fair bit of work in it that I accomplished with little trouble at all. Unfortunately, what I don't understand... well, I REALLY don't understand. There are still a few hours left in the day to get the ideas more firmly impressed upon my memory, but part of me wonders - if I haven't learned these things already, in my nearly 30 years of living, will I be able to learn them now?

Best get some more studying done!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I took Nikko to the Indigo near our house this afternoon to give his momma a bit of a break - she's suffering from a nasty cold that I will more than likely be taking back to camp with me next Thursday. He and I spent a glorious two hours in the bookstore. The kid hung out in the children's section, reading Star Wars books and trying to squeeze his ever-lengthening frame into one of the store's PlasmaCars. I left him there, checking back periodically of course, to examine thoroughly the shelves of my favourite sections. It has been a long time since I've enjoyed the sheer pleasure of letting my eyes rove at will over book spines and covers, the luxury of picking up a pristine new publication and turning it over to take in the synopsis of the story, the exhilaration of finding a book I couldn't possibly leave the store without. I came away with two such discoveries:


Obviously I have higher literary expectations from the former than the latter, which was, contrary to popular belief, not purchased for the hunky man on the cover. 

I'm excited to read 'The Servants', written by the author of a novel I read some time around 2003 at the recommendation of a Chapters coworker who, at the time, I had developed an instant and heady infatuation for. The book, called 'Only Forward', was unlike anything else I had read until then, and while this newer novel sounds nothing like it, I'm sure the caliber of writing won't have changed. Can't help but think of that old crush, though - especially since he and the author share the same first name.

For Nikko, I bought some book on the battles of the Star Wars universe that he had picked out. I didn't even ask him about it - no need to instigate a three-hour-long verbal treatise on this kid's obsession. 

And, as Indigo is "not just a bookstore" I also succumbed to the allure of a half price notebook (never can get enough of those, it seems) and a neat little flower-shaped white board with magnetic backing that will be perfect for my room at work. 


Top reasons I want to move to the United Kingdom:
  1. the history
  2. the accents!
  3. the tube
  4. the neighbours! you know, Europe?
  5. the countryside
  6. the possibility of getting to see any of the following in concert: Alphabeat, Mr. Hudson, Filthy Dukes, White Lies, Miike Snow
  7. cobblestone streets
  8. castles
  9. the ocean
  10. fish 'n' chips
  11. the museums!
  12. the art galleries!
  13. the pubs
  14. the clubs!
Need I say more?

This Rhythm

This song? Drives. Me. Wild.